Washington County Commissioners


To contact the Commissioners please email or call the County Admin.

Email: mpeterson@co.washington.co.us





Phone: (970)345-2701


150 Ash Avenue
Akron, CO 80720

The Board of County Commissioners is the chief administrative body for the County. County Commissioners are also responsible for maintaining and constructing the County Roads and Bridges. The Commissioners must act as a Board when entering into contracts or other agreements affecting the County's welfare. Thus, actions taken by the Board of County Commissioners business meetings are open to the public.

As the County's chief administrative body, the three County Commissioners must make major financial decisions and transactions. The Board has the official duty to ensure the fiscal responsibility of the other County Officers who handle county funds. The review and approval procedures empowered to the Board of County Commissioners are a means to provide the public with a fiscally efficient system of County government. As members of that board they are responsible to all citizens in the county.


Meeting Notes

  1. Meetings will be held every Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM at 150 Ash Avenue on the second floor.
  2. To get on the regular agenda, you must be approved by the County Administrator.
  3. Public is invited to be heard (In order to address the Board, you must sign in on the sign-up sheet available at the podium. Please print your name and the topic you will be speaking about.  Each Individual is allowed, and must strictly adhere to, a three minute period of time in which to address the Board of County Commissioners on topics which are not on the Consent Agenda or not on the Board’s regular agenda.  All comments must be directed to the Board.  Comments may only embody topics which have not been previously addressed to the Board by the speaker. The Chair may immediately refer any comment to staff for resolution or for scheduling of a work session. Personal attacks against Board members, Administrative staff or Employees will not be recognized. The Board will not accept comments regarding matters which fall outside its jurisdiction or are likely to be considered at a future public hearing, such as a land use hearing. In that event, the speaker will be asked to give his or her testimony at that hearing, either in person or in writing.


Washington County, Colorado