Michelle L. Swan
150 Ash Avenue
Akron, CO 80720
Phone: (970)345-6601
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Property Taxes become due on January 1 for the previous year. Payments may be paid in two equal installments or in one full installment; partial payments are not accepted.
First Half: February 29
Full Payment: April 30
Second Half: June 17
Treasurer's Department Staff
Our Mission
The Mission of the County Treasurer is to collect all revenues on behalf of those public sector entities which use the property tax as a source of revenue. The County Treasurer functions as the County's banker: receiving, investing and disbursing moneys in accordance with applicable State statutes.
Professional Objective
The County Treasurer is a constitutional officer elected for a four-year term. The Office receives all revenues belonging to the County and proceeds with all activity required to complete the property tax collection process.
The Office prepares and mails annual tax notices, delinquent tax notices, process all tax collections, annual tax lien sale, mobile home transfer/advance collections; issues distraint warrants for unpaid mobile homes, seizure and sale of delinquent personal property, tax lien sale redemptions; and issuance of Treasurer's deeds, bankruptcy cases, oil and gas collections, tax deferral and tax counseling for the elderly; and the paying agent for school district bonds.
The mission of the County Treasurer is to collect all revenues on behalf of those public sector entities which use the property tax as a source of revenue. The County Treasurer functions as the County's banker: receiving, investing and disbursing moneys in accordance with applicable State statutes.
The Treasurer does NOT determine the amount of tax to be collected. For more information on the value of your property or the amount of the taxes collected, please contact the Washington County Assessors Office.
The Treasurer also enforces collection of delinquent taxes by conducting an annual delinquent real estate property tax sale. Personal property is subject to distraint, seizure, and sale of the property.